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BB España > [CAT] Catalunya CUP

[CAT] Catalunya CUP (thread closed)

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This Post:
16972.27 in reply to 16972.26
Date: 2/24/2008 1:41:18 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Tranquils, jo també continuo a Copa, així que vosaltres aneu agafant lloc...

From: eiqtal
This Post:
16972.28 in reply to 16972.26
Date: 2/24/2008 3:21:27 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. gerjo -------- sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth--- Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort --- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team---eric3---V.60
5. kalol-------C.E.B. Ronçana------III.14
6. poma_mid ---All Has A Limit ---V.81
7. cat-xarlione----dimonis1----IV.46
8 allen376------Latrell-----------III.10
9 FrEaK------ Lucios team----- IV 64
10. eiqtal------Vilmaöwpendedor-----III.9

Idea genial aixo d'aquesta lligueta!!!!

edito: per cert, akesta setmana puc concertar amistos oi, pq hi ha gent q encara té copa i tampoc som 16 encara....dieu-me alguna coseta!!! merci cracks!!!

Last edited by eiqtal at 2/24/2008 3:26:47 PM

From: gerjo

This Post:
16972.29 in reply to 16972.28
Date: 2/24/2008 3:45:07 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
clar que si, ja avisaré ;)

This Post:
16972.30 in reply to 16972.29
Date: 2/24/2008 4:53:10 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Bona nit,

Compteu si us plau amb per aquesta copa.

From: gerjo

This Post:
16972.31 in reply to 16972.30
Date: 2/24/2008 4:57:03 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Apunta-t'hi seguint les instruccions ;]

From: Chopper

This Post:
16972.32 in reply to 16972.31
Date: 2/24/2008 5:21:02 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. gerjo -------- sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth--- Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort --- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team---eric3---V.60
5. kalol-------C.E.B. Ronçana------III.14
6. poma_mid ---All Has A Limit ---V.81
7. cat-xarlione----dimonis1----IV.46
8 allen376------Latrell-----------III.10
9 FrEaK------ Lucios team----- IV 64
10. eiqtal------Vilmaöwpendedor-----III.9

M'apunto, però de moment encara estic a la copa d'espanya....

From: poma_mid

This Post:
16972.33 in reply to 16972.31
Date: 2/24/2008 6:06:51 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
la copa suporter es una que organitze un america y a qui guanya li regala el suporter

From: gerjo

This Post:
16972.34 in reply to 16972.33
Date: 2/24/2008 6:46:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
A culleres, si jo hi participava XDDD però crec que em vaig oblidar de reptar no? perquè no se'm va dir res més JAJAJAJ

From: Tatsuya_U

This Post:
16972.35 in reply to 16972.34
Date: 2/25/2008 1:21:47 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. gerjo -------- sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth--- Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort --- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team---eric3---V.60
5. kalol-------C.E.B. Ronçana------III.14
6. poma_mid ---All Has A Limit ---V.81
7. cat-xarlione----dimonis1----IV.46
8 allen376------Latrell-----------III.10
9 FrEaK------ Lucios team----- IV 64
10. eiqtal------Vilmaöwpendedor-----III.9
12.Tatsuya_U----- Tatsuya CB ---- III.4

Ara ho farem bé. Gracies!

From: pizzi
This Post:
16972.36 in reply to 16972.35
Date: 2/25/2008 7:09:01 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. gerjo -------- sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth--- Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort --- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team---eric3---V.60
5. kalol-------C.E.B. Ronçana------III.14
6. poma_mid ---All Has A Limit ---V.81
7. cat-xarlione----dimonis1----IV.46
8 allen376------Latrell-----------III.10
9 FrEaK------ Lucios team----- IV 64
10. eiqtal------Vilmaöwpendedor-----III.9
12.Tatsuya_U----- Tatsuya CB ---- III.4
13. pizzi ---- Soltura C.B. ---- V.13

From: TheQuik
This Post:
16972.37 in reply to 16972.36
Date: 2/25/2008 7:23:08 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
1. gerjo -------- sas c.b. ------ V.35
2. Leucaruth--- Ull de Drac --- IV.40
3. ortort --- delorteam --- ACBB
4. E.Vargas Team---eric3---V.60
5. kalol-------C.E.B. Ronçana------III.14
6. poma_mid ---All Has A Limit ---V.81
7. cat-xarlione----dimonis1----IV.46
8 allen376------Latrell-----------III.10
9 FrEaK------ Lucios team----- IV 64
10. eiqtal------Vilmaöwpendedor-----III.9
12.Tatsuya_U----- Tatsuya CB ---- III.4
13. pizzi ---- Soltura C.B. ---- V.13
14. The Quik ---- Los Cortacesped ---- V.14

Ondia tu, quina calitat jaja

Esperem que vaigi be!
