we talking in generality, takes the best 18y and the best 19y player, they are in the same level. do you find it logical..?
I don't said it must that 19y be better than 18y and I have a lot of examples from the real life but anyway, reality or not, our draft system must some refreshing..
again, nobody said that because a player is a year-two older does it mean he should be better
i agree the drat right now is not nearly optimal...i think you should give olders an advantage on youngers and rise the averages of the rookies higher,there's a whole diffrence from 1 draft pick and the last but if this game want to be like the real life then the first draft pick should be good enugh to play in the first 5 in his team in the NBA 1 draft picks are scoring 20 points in game most of the time and sometimes more but here you will be lucky if your new player will make a 10 poitns average...there is a lot to change in the current system for my opinion.