You don't need to concern yourself with any of that to be honest. Those are the contributions to the team ratings which are summed up in cells AL17 and AM17. I rarely look at individual contributions and usually just look at the totals. Individual contributions may be useful to compare players with different skill levels and different Game Shape. So for example, in rare occasions I would look at Cell H3 to understand who would be the PG with the best Perimeter Defense given the combination of skills, GS and Stamina (in other words: is the best defender a guy with 10OD, 7GS and 5 stamina or a guy with 8OD, 9GS and 6 stamina?)
In general to get what you're asking for, you only need to do this:
1) Select a lineup with your expected minute splits and defensive assignments in E2:Z17 (I'd use starter 40 minutes and backup 10 minutes, until you figure out what the likely splits are). Basically change the cells in purple and blue as appropriate.
2) Select "Offense" in C4, "Defense" in C6, "Location" in C8 and "Enthusiasm" in C10
3) Check the values in AB11:AH18 and in AL17 and AM17. These are the values that estimate what your ratings will be with the setup you selected
Then if you want to compare tactic, given a specific lineup, you can repeat point 2) and see how those values in point 3) change. That hopefully will tell you what is the tactic/lineup combination that will produce the best team ratings.
A note of advice. This tool is useful and give you an insight on which tactics should be more suitable for your players. However, you should always scout your opponents and see what his strength/weaknesses are both in terms of team and individual players. It's very possible that a tactic which gives you 100 bbstats will work better than a tactic which give you 102 bbstats because you are focusing on the weakness in the opponent defense or you are setting your best defenders against the opponent's best offensive players. I hope this makes sense.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 10/30/2015 12:42:37 PM