Thanks. We are now at the point, which I aimed for six seasons ago. We have a young and (almost) finished team.
Säfen, Birgersson, Westerlund, Lagerhall and Danielsson are capped and have still a long time until their first downs.
Smol had 12! ups this season and closed almost the gap to Säfen. Smol has now the highest total skill points in Sweden! His manager made some unbeliveable improvements. Really great work.
Gustavsson made a great leap forward. But you know it better than I do ;)
We have young specialists like Dehllund, Hammarstrand and Lövlind, which give us a the needed depth in some tactics.
Balanced players like Sunesson, Stjärnland, Johansson, Svensson and Tjäderborg have so low salaries, but so freaking high skills compaired to it.
And there is another group which isn't even in the NT. The 22-24 y/o guys. Höstner, Martinsson, Ahlhult, Tunglund, Molen and some more. Guys who played last season in the U21 are coming forward already. 18 spots on the NT aren't enough anymore! That's what happend during the last couple of seasons. There is so much talent now