Poslušao sam! Pročitaj ponovo, LA-u...
Mislim da je čist bezobrazluk što si mi poslao prijedlog da igramo tie utakmicu. Pomalo vrijeđa inteligenciju i znam da ni ti ne bi pristao na takav dogovor da si na mom mijestu i da igraš protiv reprezentacije koja je, realno, treća po kvalitetu u grupi. Ne igram dugo kao ti, ali prvi put dobijam takav prijedlog. Na bezobrazluk sam ti uzvratio istom mijerom.
A kakav sam ja čovijek, to ne trebaš da prosuđuješ ni ti ni ja, već oni koji me znaju...
Igraj, uživaj i nemoj više da se dogovoraš sa mnom.
opet lazes.
ti si uradio ovo:
"You can answer him you will, and then play normal. This gives a big fuss, but in the end, he created a situation for you where you need to choose to benefit from it, or be disadvantaged. Since he sent the mail, there is no way you will have a neutral option. He forces you in a direction, and you need to do what is best for the NT"
a trebao si ovo:
"You can ignore him, and pretend you haven't received anything. In that case you don't reply to him, and he doesn't know what to do, since he has given you some info about his intentions. Most likely he will play normal, since you didn't agree, but he can still opt to TIE, since he intendd it all along... Many will think this a good solution, since you don't react to an unsportsmanslike offer. It also brings you in a disadvantage, since you now will doubt about what he will play more then when you didn't get the info.."
jel mozes sam da prevedes ili ti treba LA?
verovatno ti treba LA jer ti inteligencija nije jaca strana. sta mislis sta je bolje za tvoj tim TIE-TIE ili NORMAL-NORMAL? ili ti i za ovo treba LA?
a da dobijas prvi put to ti ne verujem. ili si ti bio taj koji je to stalno predlagao.