this new site suxx!!!
im very sorry to say that, but its ********.
i cannot set my orders, becuase i get logged off when i'm sending my changes.
i also get timed out when i try to buy a player. after i see the list of players, meeting my demands, i open the palyer page of a player. but when i'm trying to make my bet, i get logged off...
if i try to bookmark a player... i get logged off...
if i'm writing a forumpost i get logged off... im typing this one in an worddocument and have to send this several times before it works... at least that was the case on my last posts...
and when i got logged off again, i have to restart my browser because i cannot log in anymore...
all in all its JUST frustrating at the moment.. i stayed awake until 3.17 a.m. this morning because i wanted a player so bad and he was quite cheap. i started trying to bid 4 minutes before time expired... i couldnt make ANY offer...
i really dont know what to do, because it seems the problems i have are unusaual..
Last edited by Edju at 9/14/2009 1:50:38 PM