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From: Edju

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154943.28 in reply to 154943.27
Date: 9/15/2010 4:53:30 PM
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(there's nothing realistic about a 20-something college student owning and managing a professional basketball team in his spare time via his laptop)

Mark Cuban would like to have a word.

NO ONE at this table ordered a rum & Coke
Charles: Penn has some good people
A CT? Really?
Any two will do
Any three for me
Any four will score
Any five are live
From: brian

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154943.29 in reply to 154943.27
Date: 9/15/2010 5:12:38 PM
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In fact, since your post about changing the training system, three managers in a row have said that the current training system is actually something they distinctly enjoy about BB.

Three people in a row?! Wow, thats more then enough data to make a conclusion.

So, people who aren't happy with something are only one side of the story, and people who stay don't often spontaneously post lists of reasons why they're staying

Not sure why you're being defensive here. I don't like these parts of the game but if it brings in more people then I have nothing against the decision. More users equals more potential money and this is a business.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: J-Slo

This Post:
154943.30 in reply to 154943.29
Date: 9/15/2010 5:22:58 PM
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In fact, since your post about changing the training system, three managers in a row have said that the current training system is actually something they distinctly enjoy about BB.

Three people in a row?! Wow, thats more then enough data to make a conclusion. :)

We'll, it's more than two people.

edit: Not trying to make this into a flame war, but how do I not reply to something like that? We totally don't agree on this issue but I do believe we both want whatever's best for the game, so I won't keep arguing.

Last edited by J-Slo at 9/15/2010 5:27:07 PM

From: brian

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154943.31 in reply to 154943.30
Date: 9/15/2010 5:32:29 PM
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Not trying to make this into a flame war, but how do I not reply to something like that?

I did add the smiley face on the end. That's my failed attempt to come off as less of a dick.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
This Post:
154943.35 in reply to 154943.34
Date: 9/17/2010 1:25:47 PM
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Yeah, a lot of people complain about how much better off the small country teams have it...and in terms of income and building a super team, that's true. But it seems like the good players in those small countries must get bored with the competition level...I mean when I click on Team Small Country and they've got all/most the countries trophies -- I don't necessary think great team, usually I think of the lack of competition.

This Post:
154943.36 in reply to 154943.35
Date: 9/19/2010 10:56:51 AM
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Regarding the Attrition

Its the Economy, fragmentation of choice, and lack of familiarity with sports related role playing games in my opinion.

Player salaries skyrocketed out of control and they didn't get reduced in time for a multitude of D3 and D4 teams to be impacted by non-affordable players. Also Poland has had great press about this game in their local community (websites, and even magazines).

The number of US websites for basketball content makes the marketplace fragmented, and the US consumer has more choice for their fantasy basketball needs. The US also has a number of "real-player" fantasy games that are easy to access and therefore compete directly against BB.

I also think that soccer's popularity and specifically the amount of crossover Hattrick players has something to do with this as well, as managers in these markets come to BB already familiar with the strategies that are needed to win in these types of games.

This Post:
154943.37 in reply to 154943.19
Date: 9/20/2010 9:05:26 AM
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4. I agree that the necessity of playing people out of position for training is annoying and can cost you games, I don't see any superior method of training that would eliminate this. Maybe you have a way in mind?

What I'd like to see is a pretty major overhaul, but can be accomplished since many sports sims work like this.

Players would be rated for potential in, say four areas--Offense, Defense, rebounding and ball handling. These potential ratings would control how high the current ratings could be trained. Training would now be in these same four categories. For example, Training defense would increase both OD and ID. (It actually does this now, with the bigger increase coming in the chosen type of D).

All players would get training in the chosen type of training. Young players would increase faster, old players very little, perhaps the speed would be an inverse sine-curve. Playing time would be needed to maximize skill improvement, with zero PT producing no improvement--large squads of bench warmers get no edge. The 48 minute rule would stay.

The strategy of training would be increased because you would need to balance the ages, current skill levels and skill potentials of every player. Do you want a highly skilled older team that is not going to improve much, but could you win the title? Do you train rebounding, which your team needs but for which your players mostly have two-ball potential?

That is the bare bones outline, but I've typed too much and need to sign off.

Comments and thoughts greatly appreciated.

This Post:
154943.38 in reply to 154943.37
Date: 9/20/2010 10:31:26 AM
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that is actually a really good idea I think.
