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How important is JR in a power forward?

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From: Scipio

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183591.28 in reply to 183591.27
Date: 5/2/2011 10:20:09 AM
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My centre has only 1 in OD too. Blimey I need to revamp my front line. I need a young PF with good starting OD which I can train.

From: zyler

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183591.29 in reply to 183591.28
Date: 5/2/2011 10:36:38 AM
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love that you said blimey but i wouldnt go that drastic yet if your still winning, if you are keep going on the path you are till start of next season, move the guy to back up center then (start him once a week) and pick up a young 18 yr old pf with atleast mediocre outside def.

From: Scipio

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183591.30 in reply to 183591.29
Date: 5/2/2011 10:43:21 AM
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I`ve got a couple of 18 year old PFs that I am considering bidding on. They both have respectable OD and there other primary skills are pretty good. My thinking is this.

I continue to train Hennessy on IS RB JS and driving more to match his future as a centre. My young PF will receive training in those too of course. then next season I could add some OD and JR for my young PF as well as rounding off Hennesseys other skills. What do you think of that idea. If it doesn`t work out then I could always sell the young PF near the end of the season for a profit then get another one at the beginning of next season.

Do you have any idea of how many pops Hennessey might have left before he reaches his ceiling? Also, how old do you think I should continue to train him too. I have read that it`s not worth training anyone beyon 22. He might get one or two pops but it will be very slow?

Thanks for all of the help.

From: zyler

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183591.31 in reply to 183591.30
Date: 5/2/2011 10:49:00 AM
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sounds like a great plan , prob what id do in your case.

as for training - personally id train guys too about 24/25 depending of if there hit there skill cap.

allstars used to cap around 45-50k in salary - multiskilled ones lower at around 35-40k

so for your guy your prob looking at around 40-45 k

meaning you could prob train him another 2 maybe 3 seasons before he caps.

Last edited by zyler at 5/2/2011 10:51:59 AM

From: Scipio

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183591.32 in reply to 183591.31
Date: 5/2/2011 10:54:23 AM
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24-25 bloody hell that`s longer than I thought.

Thanks for all of your help. I might invest in a higher skilled trainer as well. My club is all about developing players as this is my favourite aspect of the game. I figure that by paying more salary for the best trainer possible you will develop better players and save money. You can also develop better players and sell one that you don`t need.

Many thanks for all of your assistance. It`s much appreciated.


From: zyler

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183591.33 in reply to 183591.32
Date: 5/2/2011 10:55:52 AM
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no probs mate.

From: Dunkface

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183591.34 in reply to 183591.30
Date: 5/3/2011 12:43:08 PM
Arizona Cacti
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I agree with everyone's statement that he needs OD but for a different reason. I have a player with very similar stats to the player you originally posted. Your guy's scoring stats are each a couple pops higher but everything else is either the same or at most, 1 pop different. My guy also has atrocious OD and what I've noticed is that he fouls out very very quickly against PF's with decent jump shots. Doesnt matter how well your guy scores if he fouls out so I'd suggest OD just to keep him on the court.

I actually purposely bought a couple trainees with bad OD this season just so I could justify running OD training for almost the whole season.