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Australia - III.7 > Season 24

Season 24

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From: SN_13

This Post:
243253.28 in reply to 243253.27
Date: 6/19/2013 2:39:42 AM
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Yeah I know, thanks for the heads up anyways :)

This Post:
243253.29 in reply to 243253.28
Date: 6/22/2013 1:50:01 AM
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On behalf of the Australian Buzzerbeater Basketball Community I would like to congratulate AFool and his team the JeXters for drafting and then training Brent Wang , into the initial Season 24 Australian Under 21 team.

A full write up of the team can be found at (244355.20)with discussions starting at (244355.1)

Details of;
The free mentoring that is available
Who to talk to if you are interested in training a player into the Under 21s National team
How to access the Australian Offsite forum where the tactics of the team are discussed

Can all be found in the above mentioned thread

Congrats again to AFool

Last edited by Sid Vicious at 6/22/2013 5:38:18 AM

From: SN_13

This Post:
243253.30 in reply to 243253.1
Date: 7/16/2013 5:53:32 AM
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Wow, just had a look at everyone's last login. Snacky Smores have been inactive for a month now

From: Mickyster

This Post:
243253.31 in reply to 243253.30
Date: 7/16/2013 6:23:01 AM
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he always seems to come and go. shame he should be running to win this season but just not hear enough.

From: SN_13

This Post:
243253.32 in reply to 243253.31
Date: 7/16/2013 11:44:01 AM
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Yeaah. My brothers old team, (that got banned along with mine) Lewisness were the champions of this particular league a couple seasons back. Snacky Smores was versing him back then, I remember.
This league is pretty deep, and its gonna be hard for me to stay afloat. But I'll probably just get some rentals at the end of the season and my idea of "surprising" some teams with a CT got me a win today hehehe. But Dream is still ahead of me, aiming for that 6th spot.

I should be able to snag some wins, a couple of teams on your side of the conference have issues with gameshape due to inactivity mostly - I think I should make it out of this season alive ^_^

Btw, if you get the 5th spot, do you pay players salaries still? I forget :P

From: Skyhookz

This Post:
243253.33 in reply to 243253.32
Date: 7/16/2013 4:28:19 PM
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I think they have changed what happens for finishing 5th.. used to be pay nothing through finals, but they found to many going for 5th, so changet.. cant remember what it was changed to, but am sure you pay something now..

Smoky could be sitting back, staying in touch and earning a pretty penny doing it.. the guy could have millions ready to drop when wants to compete.. or, could be a farm team! never know :P

as for end of season rentals, remember they now take a big hit to gameshape.. dont leave it to late :P

This Post:
243253.34 in reply to 243253.33
Date: 7/16/2013 5:25:11 PM
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5th pays 50% of salary for finals week 1.

SS has the 6th highest salary bill for the league with 220k a week. Can't be making too much. But you never know.
The average profit a week for the league is only 21k.

From: SN_13

This Post:
243253.35 in reply to 243253.33
Date: 7/16/2013 9:59:22 PM
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Oh wow. I completely forgot about the GS hit. Thanks for the reminder hahaha. I would've been screwed !

This Post:
243253.36 in reply to 243253.35
Date: 7/28/2013 8:42:59 AM
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all star voting is rigged!

only 4 of my starters got the starting role for the Reds.....................

This Post:
243253.37 in reply to 243253.36
Date: 7/28/2013 3:22:57 PM
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good win for the blue then.
I only got 3 guys in with 2 of them back ups.

This Post:
243253.38 in reply to 243253.3
Date: 9/2/2013 2:04:01 AM
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hey mickyster! thanks for the welcome :D Looks like a good league that i have landed in! hopefully I can survive this season :D

after a season slummin it with bots it is good to be back in a league with other players!

best wishes to all, and lets have some fun!

Did a little better then just survive.

Good luck to all the team who made the finals but I plan on winning it all and to leave this league.
