you get hard games because your support cast isn't good enough to win without both of your stars and good teams like SoV know it. You beat those teams on their court a few times in a row, then come back to me.
Mwah. Happy Valentine's day
Seriously though, what did you expect Tigers to do? He could try and win each game and risk going 0-3 this week, or he can rest his starters against me and pretty well make sure he wins 2 of 3, and plan on winning his home game against me later. The latter is exactly what I chose away against you earlier in the season when I chose to TIE.
Besides, I'm not making money. Trust me. I've made 140k all season out of B3 wins and cup runs. I pay to keep that bar high and intimidate the opposition.
Maybe I'll keep Sharpling, I don't think I'd want to see him on your team, come to think of it.