Here are my estimates for the optimal cost for the staff:
$25,078 salary for $2,110,568 will average $88,536 per week for 56 weeks
$26,096 salary for $2,036,400 will average $89,250 per week for 55 weeks
$35,000 salary for $2,000,000 will average $105,643 per week for 49 weeks
Using these numbers, you will approximately pay a premium of $750,000 for hiring internally. I don't think the goal was to offer managers a slight discount. I believe it is the ability to get a staff anytime you want, without any competition. For example, your star player got a one week injury in the quarterfinals and the playing time of your players got messed up. Then you can easily get a world renowned massage doctor even if there are none available in the market. Because of this advantage, you must pay a premium.
exactly. You should hire staff memeber for about 4 seasons. That makes those 56 weeks. 9k salary difference at beggining is about 1M as mentioned what is 50% of new staff member in your next attempt.
As i have stated before, when someone is giving you "thank you gift" you dont expect it is going to cost you more.. If you take it this way, this wasnt very succesfull thank you gift. If you take it as special feature, ok you take it or you leave it.
At the end I think BBs should do exactly this kind of analysis every time before new feature is implemented (speaking generaly, not just about this "gift") and every time after the feature is implemented! and double it before another feature they are going to implement..
"Negativity" from managers is understandable. Managers are those who love this game or used to love it, and they are negative becose they feel this game is not providing them fun anymore or is providing lot less fun than earlier. We dont want to quit so we try to point the problems but constantly, BBs are not listening, not even that, they are doing just opposite to make managers happy. We know they are doing decision which will cause this games will end soon (becose once veteran managers end that is it) and we dont want it so we speak up. That is it.
1 BBB, 20 Leagues, 10 Tournaments, 3 Europe Titles (SVK), 2 World Bronzes (SVK), 2 Europe Bronzes (SVK,FRA), 42 Seasons NT coaching