I see a bit of simularity between the schedules, you're not wrong, but I'm still convinced if hoheti gets the gameshape right his team is just way deeper then the others. I find Jega's roster isn't as deep as hoheti's.
I must say, on our side of the board, if Charkling city gets his gameshape right for the playoffs, he'll be a contender...
But it will be difficult with a small line-up. The deciding factor on our side will be homecourt, I think.
Right now, you have the best papers in hand. But the top 4 changes after every game :p
I'll be following the game between you and kikaazz this evening
. If, and it's a huge if, I win against Charkling city, I'm looking good for a top 2 spot.
Good luck to everyone, I'm happy it's still so close at this point of the competition.
Last edited by hjopos at 8/20/2024 3:23:48 AM