First, sorry, english is not my first, second, and even not third language. Ok ok, maybe third, but it's poor guys, don't be mad.
So. I think every sports manager's creators wants, that their game would be similar with the reality. if it is like the real world, it much interesting. The current system looks far away from the reality really. Overall staff wages is too big. Then I started play this game, my staff wages was double bigger than my players. Even now my assistant wage is bigger than my most expensive player. There's the logic here? Do you see the team in the real world, witch gets into debts to the medics or smth?
- Oh god, we must sell Kobe Bryant because our scout is too expensive !
I think is stupid. Zyzla's suggestion is a litle more close to reality, and thats all we need if we want improve this game. Plus - if the staff wages would be reduced it would be great, $ can be taken from us different ways : arena effect, TV money....
i don't know i don't see a managing game, where you have to make paperwork etc.
Normally they try to adept few things from the reality to their universe, and try to make a funny game out of it^^
Even now my assistant wage is bigger than my most expensive player. There's the logic here? Do you see the team in the real world, witch gets into debts to the medics or smth?
if you offer then more money they will accept, maybe you just hired to good staff for your team.
I think is stupid. Zyzla's suggestion is a litle more close to reality, and thats all we need if we want improve this game.
after the implementation from taxes and lawsuits this would be fine ;) At the point i am thinking they find a good compromisss betwenn planning abillity and that you have to do something with the staff.