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12582.285 in reply to 12582.284
Date: 9/9/2008 8:07:53 AM
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I increased the influence of forms + added a small influence experience. What would you say?
Jaha? Never seen some value of experience in players acting during the match ... Are you sure you have heard of / seen any somehow?
May be you are right about form (game shape)?

Older than the rest ...
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12582.286 in reply to 12582.285
Date: 9/9/2008 8:45:55 AM
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About the experience I have not heard anything specific. Is that at the end of the match an experienced player suddenly begins to score balls. Do you think that the impact of the experience must be removed from the formula?

Form I just leave as is, its impact is clearly quite high.

I play 2.5 weeks, so is not yet dismantled and how that affects in the game. I have only 4.5 years in Hattrick, Vyshejshaya Liga (1.1 league) in Belarus.

Last edited by Abdulla Minsky at 9/9/2008 8:46:16 AM

This Post:
12582.287 in reply to 12582.286
Date: 9/10/2008 4:46:37 AM
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I'm not a great fun fo the various formulas,but i think that experience,especially in the end of the games,have a little bit of importance

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12582.289 in reply to 12582.287
Date: 9/10/2008 6:31:31 AM
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I'm not a great fun fo the various formulas,but i think that experience,especially in the end of the games,have a little bit of importance
And how to reflect this in the formulas? Apparently - nothing...

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12582.290 in reply to 12582.288
Date: 9/10/2008 6:34:25 AM
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I think that form/game shape < 7 should reduce the player rating, >7 it should increase it.
I am not sure that the correct form 7 to talk about how some of the border between bad and good. Form 5 will be worse shape 6, 7 form will be worse shape 8, etc. I am confident that the impact of each level of linear forms and this can be reflected in the formulae, so I like I did.

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12582.291 in reply to 12582.1
Date: 9/10/2008 9:24:00 PM
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what does buzzerbeater scout do?

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12582.292 in reply to 12582.291
Date: 9/11/2008 9:16:35 AM
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what does buzzerbeater scout do?

BBS comperes your players and shows you which player is closest to be the best after the ones you have used at a given position in the line-up.
Often I can helps you to see if a SG is good as SF or even better at the position.
Actually a good program!

Older than the rest ...
From: kangee
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12582.293 in reply to 12582.292
Date: 9/16/2008 4:42:46 PM
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i don't know if its just me but i'm getting an error when trying to download the XML from the site...

is it normal? what can i do to overcome it?

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12582.294 in reply to 12582.293
Date: 9/21/2008 3:33:38 AM
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not only u. i am getting error too and can't use bb scout. (gives an error downloadin xml file).

This Post:
12582.295 in reply to 12582.294
Date: 9/26/2008 4:11:45 PM
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Posting Again for Review:

My Formula

It's actually pretty simple to create and to understand.

There are 10 basketball skills that make up a complete basketball player.

Each basketball skill can total up to 30 points.

My line of thinking was athis: The most complete basketball player will be worth a maximum of 30.00 on any given game day as my formula also takes into account each player's Game Shape for that week.

Adjusted PST & Free Throw
( ( Primary Skill / N ) * ( 14 / 30 ) )
+ ( ( Secondary Skill / N ) * ( 8 / 30 ) )
+ ( ( Tertiary Skills / N ) * ( 4 / 30 ) )
+ ( Free Throw Skill * (1 / 30 ) )
Adjusted PST & Free Throw
+ ( Game Shape / 30 ) * 3
Position Score

The "Adjusted PST & Free Throw" will total no more than 27 and that is only if ALL basketball skills equal exactly 30. In order for a player to reach the exact point of 30.00, that player must also have a 30 in Game Shape, which would give them exactly 3 more points, or 1 point every 10 levels reached. This is to ensure that players that have reached Legendary status in every Basketball Skill category plus a Legendary Status in Game Shape, that player will be exactly a 30 level player.

Users can define the Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Skills. "N" is the number of skills for each category, so if I determine the Center to have 5 Primary skills, then I sum up all of those Primary skills and divide by 5 to reach an average of those skills. I chose to do it this way so users can determine what they feel is most important for each position based on their own preferences and playbook.

Here is a good example before I post the exact formula to use for each position:

Bobby Dorman: (4408061)
Best Position per BB: Power Forward
Age 18
DMI 22300
6' 6" / 198 cm
Game Shape: Strong

Based on my formula, he calculates into the following ratings:

C = 5.72
PF = 5.44
SF = 5.51
PG = 5.33
SG = 5.27

My formula does not take into account Experience nor Stamina. My reason to not include Stamina in the ratings is because you are attempting to gauge your players' basketball skills prior to the game. Stamina will effect your players' skills during the game, not prior. This will allow you to calculate your players' skill set ratings allowing you to make an educated guess on who to start based on their Stamina ratings, i.e. choosing to start a 4.89 PG with Respectable Stamina over a 5.34 PG with Atrocious stamina.

As for not including Experience, I chose to not include it because it is not considered an actual basketball skill but rather it is an arbitrary number related to how experienced a player is based on circumstances in any given game and therefore cannot be included in any player rating.

Alright, here are my formulas:






Try these out and let me know what you all think. Remember, everything is based on personal preference. I may feel Driving is more important for my SF than my SG whereas you might feel different.

The numbers I used to give weight to each group of numbers are arbitrary numbers. They can be changed accordingly but must equal up to 27. Maybe you feel that the Primary Skills should have more weight than ( 14 / 30 ). Whatever you choose is up to you but they must be the sa
