Florante Vergara - 112 Points in a single match
Player (9210929)
In this game (33292457)
Out of 71 shot attempts he tried only 13 layups, 5 dunks and 1 hook shot. It's a bit disappointing, seeing as he is a SF playing at SG position. But maybe he's listed at SF because of a very high JS and moderate RB/ID...
About that C that played on PG spot and had 107 points: out of 76 shot attempts he had only 6 layups and 10 inside shots. I expected a bit more since he is a C...
Wouldn't it be nice to have a SF/PF on SG spot that could take most of inside shots with Patient? I tried my rookie on that spot - at that time he had JS 4, JR 5, DR 7 and IS 7:
Out of 32 shot attempts, he had 10 (!) dunks and 7 (!) tough inside shots. Only two 3s. 4 hook shots and 4 layups. So out of 32 attempts, 25 were close range. He played with noobs around him because I intentionally lost this game, and no player in starting 5 had JS higher than him. Maybe that's another nice option for Patient!