Tsunami should end something like this~ one 18, one 17, one 16, one 15 and a pair of 14s...two 12s and some 10s and 11s..something like taht. Naturally its hard to say how things pop with all the CT effects and the like.
That seems like a bit of a push for a Superstar.
If I had to guess what Tsunami has I would guess
....I know he has 112 TSP(you told me two weeks ago he had 111 and then popped last Friday)
Jump Shot: sensational Jump Range: prolific
Outside Def.: tremendous Handling: prolific
Driving: sensational Passing: prominent
Inside Shot: prolific Inside Def.: sensational
Rebounding: prominent Shot Blocking: prominent
I wonder how close I am
Last edited by Yellow cake at 11/19/2012 4:31:06 AM