could you help me please
i have information about 42 player
13 of them have 5 star rating
and their stats like this
5star rating------ grade rating A--------- potansiyel 5 star-------age 19
5star rating------ grade rating A(+)----- potansiyel 3 star-------age 18
5star rating------ grade rating A--------- potansiyel 2 star-------age 18-2 players
5star rating------ grade rating A(-) ----- potansiyel 2 star-------age 19
5star rating------ grade rating N/A ----- potansiyel N/A-------age N/A - 8 players
one more player
4star rating------ grade rating B(+)----- potansiyel 4 star-------age 18
and also one of the 5 star players whose grade rating and age are unknown have performed 35 points, 7 rebs, 6 asists and 3 steals
do you think which player i have to list in first three or four lines
thank you for your interest