Just wanted to quickly publicize a new tool I've made live:(http://bbtools.oeuftete.com/bbtools/winners)It shows the league winners for a given country, league level, and season. It works "live", so for example if you wanted a quick overview of all the winners in III for your country, you could select your country, level 3, season 10, and it would show you the winners for the completed series, and "unknown" for those not yet done.It's still pretty rough, but I thought I'd mention it in case people might find it useful as the season comes to an end.
There seems to be a problem with the server since (at least) sunday. The following error is displayed: 500 - Internal Server Error
Nice tool, too bad there are is still some incorrect html in there which show bold tag at the result.. instead of actually having bold tekst.. Somehow this does show up correct in the forum but not on the actual page..If you replace it with <> tags I think it should workout better
http://bbtools.oeuftete.com is offline for a little while. It will hopefully be back soon and updated to the current season, in case anyone's actually using it.