Show us your furmulas !
I don't have any :)
If I had to divide skills in primary (P), secondary (S) and tertiary (T), this is how it would be.
PG: P(Ha,Pa,OD) - S(JS-JR-Dr) - T(Rb,ID,IS)
SG: P(JS,JR,OD) - S(Ha,Pa,Dr) - T(Rb,IS)
SF: P(JS,OD,ID) - S(IS,Dr,JR,Rb) - T(Pa,Ha)
PF: P(IS,JS,ID,Rb) - S(Dr,SB) - T(Pa,OD)
C: P(IS,ID,Rb) - S(SB) - T(Pa)
And of course it changes with the tactic used (i.e. with run&gun IS for SF is less important and JR is more)!
Just my personal opinion :)