I think the text bugs are a huge letdown here and are not just a low level fix. This is mainly because the game engine one of the core features of this game and not just a display bug on an random page that not many people access.
You seem to have crossed issues here though. The GE isn't broken (or at least, not in the specific instances you've put forward from the information I've looked at.) The Game Viewer has some issues that are completely based on presentation and have no effect on the overall game flow. Player A earning a Double Double 10 times and defending himself 6 trillion times in a game according to the GV makes zero difference in the long run when in the end those things never really happened in the GE and thus have no effect on the game. They're simply text display issues. Should they be fixed? Yes. Does it effect gameplay? No. In the world of game development with minimal developer manpower, gameplay fixes trump text fixes most of the time. From what I've seen, the BBs have been busy squashing the former.
As you've worked in QA, you should know that these bugs are fine for your testing environment but should not be rolled out into a live system with all the bugs still existent. Heck thats what you guys are pretty much being paid for.
Actually, QA's job isn't (usually) to make sure that bugs aren't rolled out into the system. QA is there to point out every single little issue with the software. The producer on the project then makes the call as to whether it should be fixed or not. The first thing you learn (or should learn) in QA is that every single shipped game that has ever come out has bugs, as you stated. It's an inescapable fact of software development. Given that, you report everything so that it can be fixed.
However, games have to ship eventually and at some point the producer will have to batten down the hatches and just ship the software. At that point it's QA's job to re-point out anything incredibly game breaking that HAS to be fixed otherwise the game will flop. If you're not willing to die on the mountain for a given bug, you let it go. That's where text bugs like these hang around. The Game Viewer updates with the color commentary works. There are issues with false commentary such as "couldn't buy a bucket" after 2 scores. Whoever is in charge of letting things go live looked at the number of bugs for the Game Viewer versus their development time opportunity cost to fix the remaining bugs and said "ship it!" so that people could get the improvements. Despite the bugs. The same way any boxed game goes to the shelves. There is not a single game I've worked on that didn't ship with dozens of issues closed out as "not enough time" or "Too costly, please close"
The great thing about a web based game, unlike the boxed product I've worked on is that this stuff can be fixed. The bugs are most definitely in BB's queue as they've commented on them. I personally can't see how anyone could get so up in arms about minor issues that have zero effect on gameplay when they are aware that the devs will address it when they can.