lol! you've got a backstreet's or NSYNC guy playing for your team!!!
thanks, but again, I can make a lot of research, but the whole topic (I haveto say that many hints in here are going to be useful for me) is that it is really hard to understand enough of what's happening to be able to change your tactics consistently
P.D. having to search on the wikipedia is not what I expect from a complete game... I know the terms but there are several interpretations. For ex., shooting is defined in the rules as the quality of shots in general, so my first guess if I read that it is that it is also needed for inside shots, which seems to be completely false. When is a shoot considered as jump shot? 3 meters from the hook, 4? depends on the kind of shot? when a point guard dives, is he using the inside shooting skill (I guess so, but I'm not sure)?, etc...
even if you clarify all this stuff in here, all the newies need that clarifications as well, and starting a threat is not an option. Rules need a better and deeper explanation (imho)