@all: I fixed the issue but some (a handful really) of teams were affected during the fix and have had some free purchases. I've fix those too and contacted the affected teams.
so just to be sure having the maximum upgrade in one infrastructure costs 15k a week, correct?
@ned: Yes.
What players are affected by the gym?
The players with week minutes in the main week training position?
The players with week minutes regardless of position?
All the players?
@evaristo: It's the same like cross training was until now - so it will be only for players receiving training minutes (main training position, as you say).
@LA-KingLeonidas: As you would expect, my answer is this - a big part of BB is discovery. Some of these buildings might prove not to be worth it, some might be, and it will depend largely on your expectations and team needs. Now, you know I won't go into details about these, it's up to you guys to figure out how large the effect of the Training Court is. So, I guess you'll have to risk some money and find out
@LA-zajino: Wow, that's a lot for just one post. I'll just say for now that we're not planning on changing the training system in the future.
@Ubiond: (reply to your questions, as I understand them) No, the stamina is not affected. The TV and radio station effect depends on your team situation. To some the effect might be worth it, to others, not so much.
@the rest of the guys with encouragements: Thanks!