If it was a short shutdown I'd agree, but the website was down for over 12 hours for me. I couldn't see the result of my game and the following day I could not set the lineup for the scrimmage for quite a while. If the Devs see they can't solve the problem on their end it does make sense they freeze all auctions.
Just to clarify, BBs and staff said that it's 'normal' to push back auctions without any warning when a protracted shutdown happens. People have complained about this very thing too, as it had impact on NTs, sale prices and some time zones being cut off from auctions.
You can't have it both ways and proclaim that it's ok to use double standards based on a whim by some of the staff. Either you delay or you don't and you do so every time this kind of situation arises. And you better write down black on white what the policy is in this kind of situations and stick to it, so everyone knows, everyone gets the same treatment. Otherwise you get outraged people both when you push back and when you don't because there is no official policy and no consistent behaviour.
Last edited by Lemonshine at 1/30/2020 4:39:40 AM