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BuzzerBeater Arenas

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56772.29 in reply to 56772.28
Date: 12/16/2008 7:32:24 PM
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Germany is hosting the current U21 championships.

The European championships are awarded in the tournament which we run for non-World Championship qualifiers, won by England this past cycle I believe.

I know.
I asked this question long time before you (BB's) decided to give Germany the U21 WC

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From: GrFlur
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56772.31 in reply to 56772.29
Date: 1/29/2009 4:33:33 AM
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Just for fun there's an average from some top divisions from those countries:

Total Bleachers Low Tier courtiside Luxury
Spain 12128 10346 1428 337 18
USA 16668 14440 1810 394 24
Italia 12189 10312 1512 348 18
Germany 21195 18156 2451 546 40
France 11408 9689 1417 285 16
Brasil 12040 10397 1356 269 18

(data from few weeks ago may be need an update but search one for one team it's to pretty hard)

And there's % for each one

85,30672823 11,77286032 2,776117249 0,144294195
86,63149527 10,8615117 2,365257561 0,141735472
84,59814905 12,40546569 2,850770375 0,14561489
85,66306024 11,56739414 2,579935538 0,189610076
84,93176202 12,42090038 2,503794042 0,143543553
86,34749748 11,26418405 2,239859639 0,148458831

I hope you will find this usefull

Howl to the Moon, you won't regret it.
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56772.32 in reply to 56772.31
Date: 2/4/2009 1:46:09 PM
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it would have been also very usefull to see prices charged for seats and the average income for teams in these divisions to get a proper view. without these this is fun to know but meaningless...

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56772.33 in reply to 56772.32
Date: 2/4/2009 10:31:06 PM
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when you got the apropiate % then you can start working to find apropiates charges

if you have an equation with multiples uknowns yo resolves first one and then the others.. i think

Howl to the Moon, you won't regret it.
From: brian
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56772.34 in reply to 56772.33
Date: 2/21/2009 11:54:57 AM
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i started slowly trying to build up based on seeing this team and a few others in the german league a month or so ago, dropped close to 1m in expansion since then. In that time this team has added twice as many seats, and sold them all out, and is building even more!

Overall, I'm getting roughly 2/3rd the arena revenue in comparison, and still have an arena larger than 99.9% of the other teams in BB.

Is this really the model that BB is looking for? If this is the trend, and nothing seems to be slowing in the net revenue gain of building stadiums over 40k, teams that get to this level will be cementing themselves as untouchable to the competition.

Last edited by brian at 2/21/2009 12:33:01 PM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Tattoro

This Post:
56772.35 in reply to 56772.34
Date: 2/21/2009 12:13:47 PM
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What should i say. I was improving my arena since beginning of the game. I earned a lot before BBs decided to change the income-model of the arena's. In my league i had the biggest arena for seasons but last season i recognized that Tall Blacks, a team of my division in the bundesliga earned nearly the same money without playing that succesfull like my bulls. So i coppied this strategy - i was building more seats in each catagory and lowed prices. With decreasing prices the break-even is reached in a lot more time, but on the long run it is paying out. The BBs made this attendance-formula and so everyone can find his way to ballance price, construction costs and budget for salaries. I like my way :-)

From: CrazyEye

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56772.36 in reply to 56772.34
Date: 2/21/2009 12:24:46 PM
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Is this really the model that BB is looking for? If this is the trend, and nothing seems to be slowing in the net revenue gain of building stadiums over 40k, teams that get to this level will be cementing themselves as untouchable to the competition.

take a look at the prices, the BB give us to choose did you really think that it just should be reasonable to sell ticket at the high end of the prices?

And like tattoro said before(i believe you linked his team*), the more seats you have it takes longer till you get the profit. In my eyes the revenue for playing succesfull, is a bit too high which makes it harder to catchup. Because you could make allot more money in the 2 cheapest categories.

*: start with linking at /bbweb/... and it works also for people who lock in other server, or use the team link.

From: brian

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56772.37 in reply to 56772.35
Date: 2/21/2009 12:29:21 PM
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Like I said to you in a heads up about my post, this is a great management move you (and Tall Blacks, etc) have made in taking advantage of the system. I'm using you all as the model for my team too.

Everyone that has the ability to take advantage of this (mostly older established teams) will like this setup.

But it seems far from ideal, there is seemingly no limit to the economies of scale from arena expansion. Teams that have pioneered, and the few well positioned to follow, in expanding arenas well past what you'd assume a basketball arena to be will become untouchable to all but a handful of the 45k and growing teams in the game.

Last edited by brian at 2/21/2009 12:30:44 PM

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -
From: Tattoro

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56772.38 in reply to 56772.37
Date: 2/21/2009 12:33:30 PM
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I would suggest introducing fix-costs for each seat like it exists in Hattrick. So you could limit expansions.

From: brian

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56772.39 in reply to 56772.36
Date: 2/21/2009 12:33:47 PM
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*: start with linking at /bbweb/... and it works also for people who lock in other server, or use the team link.

ah nice, never had any luck with that until now. should be fixed.

"Well, no ones gonna top that." -