I came to BB by way of a banner ad on HT, a game that I had been playing for a short while but stopped completely once I started this one. I am a casual soccer fan and a big basketball fan, so for me the choice was easy. What caught my eye was the sport, not the GE or the site slickness or what have you.
My suggestion is to put your ad budget into basketball websites- fantasy basketball forums, real basketball forums, NBA.com, etc. There must be plenty of dedicated basketball web boards, blogs, etc. in many languages where many people who A) use computers and
like basketball spend their time.
Good luck. I think this is a fantastic game and hope to see it grow. To me the game is not very complex. I wish there were box-and-1 and half court trap options, a flex offense and an isolation offense. I also think a wider variety of announcer comments would be a great idea.
Last edited by somdetsfinest at 1/7/2009 11:20:01 PM
Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.