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Indian NT Discussion

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From: pb10
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217743.293 in reply to 217743.292
Date: 11/18/2024 2:28:02 PM
BC Space Jam
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Phil Jackson 5
Hi guys,
This season is over and we were able to win only 2 games. Honestly, Im a bit disappointed because we should have won the game against Nigeria. It’s strange because I set the strongest line up (players with game shape above 8 only) and we played on the highest attitude (crunch time). We lost last quarter 21:41.

After this game I was thinking about quiting NT coaching. I will continue for next two seasons only if you want guys. Let me know please If you want or give me your vote on the upcoming elections.



Last edited by pb10 at 11/18/2024 2:33:10 PM

From: Piłka

To: pb10
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217743.294 in reply to 217743.293
Date: 12/6/2024 2:54:28 PM
Czarni Słupsk#
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Czarni Słupsk# II
You do great job from India Nt you should continue yours ways

From: pb10

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217743.295 in reply to 217743.294
Date: 12/7/2024 1:21:50 PM
BC Space Jam
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Phil Jackson 5
Thank you Piłka,
Do you plan on returning back as NT coach of U21?

From: Piłka

To: pb10
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217743.296 in reply to 217743.295
Date: 12/8/2024 2:22:47 PM
Czarni Słupsk#
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Czarni Słupsk# II
Unfortunately, I'm thinking more about ending my adventure with bb,
I lack motivation and joy in the game.
I accomplished a lot in this game and I don't know what could excite me again in bb.

From: pb10

This Post:
217743.297 in reply to 217743.296
Date: 12/9/2024 9:39:46 AM
BC Space Jam
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Phil Jackson 5
Sorry to hear that!
It would be bad if we lost manager like you! I understand why you would want to quit, but I hope that you reconsider and stay

This Post:
217743.298 in reply to 217743.296
Date: 12/17/2024 3:10:55 AM
CD Numancia
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Sad to read this.
There are many different ways to play buzzerbeater and they are all fun, you can train players for the U21 and so you can create totally different players every four seasons.
You trusted in Tewari when he was a rookie, and that's why he has good experience now, I'm grateful to you

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217743.299 in reply to 217743.298
Date: 12/17/2024 2:08:08 PM
Czarni Słupsk#
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
Czarni Słupsk# II
Hi carlos88vazquez,
You do good job for traning Tewari;)
Without coaches like you I wouldn't be able to enjoy so many victories with Our Indian U21 team.
Best regards

This Post:
217743.300 in reply to 217743.298
Date: 12/19/2024 1:15:36 PM
BC Space Jam
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
The Phil Jackson 5
Tewari is key player for the next generation of Indian NT. I hope you wont stop training him! He has very good skills right now but he can be beast in the future with +150 TPS.