Wtf? I'm amazed, look at the 4th quarter! My coach is foolish and match-engine is lamentable :\\ (shock)(10401828)
Wtf? I'm amazed, look at the 4th quarter! My coach is foolish and match-engine is lamentable :\\ (shock)(10401828)That's really unacceptable. Losing a game because of garbage time (in a PO game!!!) is simply ridiculous. If it happened to me I would make a real mess for itFor what it is worth, there are many suggestions about it in the suggestion forum, included the one I made one season ago (16163.9). Unfortunately the BBs have not reacted so far.'ve gotta be kidding me...seriously? You think the problem there was stamina?You don't think that garbage time had something to do with that game?Once and for all, would it be possible to have some kind of input directly from a BB to at least uderstand if the way the game engine is handling gargabe time is satisfying to them?