I have read it but sorry I dont get. (Maybe Im not that fluent in english)
u told me,
no bug is reported. It does not clerify if someone has taken a look at it, figured out everything is alright or nobody has noticed a bug yet!
I just dont get how this is possible!
I am training Outside Shot and I have an 18 year old trainee who popped to strong last week and to proficient this week (have a lvl 10 trainer and train PG/SG)
It's been 3 weeks now since I changed to SG and SF with the very same training(outside shooting). Is it normal, that not even 1 skill has popped since then? the trainees are 18-19 years olds
coach: lev. 9 vs. lev. 10
training: outs. shoot vs. outs shoot
positions trained: 2 vs. 2
age: 18,19 vs. 18
training succes:
less than 0.32 skill/week vs. more than 0.51skill/week
In my opinion 50% more is a HUGE difference...
i think this is even way too much for one player, however if u consider that he had trained 4 players and none of them popped. They must have had different sub. levels.
so the the skill per week is most likely a lot lower then 0.32skill/week
Edited by Huzzel (1/4/2008 9:03:10 PM CET)Last edited by Huzzel at 1/4/2008 9:03:10 PM