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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Period for injury was not decreased

Period for injury was not decreased

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From: beks_ns

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117437.3 in reply to 117437.2
Date: 10/31/2009 11:03:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
Much like arena build times, injury times are estimates

O great - I would really like to c the situation when it takes less time – for injury or arena built. So, following this logic, it could take 5 or 6 weeks…like my last arena built – estimated 13 days – took them 25 to build

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117437.5 in reply to 117437.4
Date: 10/31/2009 11:59:08 AM
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This is not correct. Injury times are not estimates, though a 3-week injury can be more than 3.0 weeks. So especially if you have a crappy doctor, it may take a little more to heal, but it's not more than 3.9 weeks.

Not that I disagree (a 3 week injury is NOT going to take 6 weeks to heel)... but I do think it is useful to consider the injury time to be a rough estimate (from the perspective of the user, if not the perspective of the game engine), as a 3 week injury will not necessarily be healed in exactly 21 days. It may be 27 instead.

This Post:
117437.7 in reply to 117437.6
Date: 10/31/2009 12:20:31 PM
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That happens because injuries have hidden decimals, not because they are estimates. I don't see why it's necessary to make an erroneous assumption, when the mechanics of injury healing are known pretty well.

I think our difference here is a difference of language.

I completely understand that injury healing time is a precise number. I am not arguing that this is not the case.

What I am saying is that we, as end users, do not KNOW the precise number. We are not given the decimal... so a 3 week injury could be 21 days... or 24 days or even 27 days.

As such, from an end user perspective, you can call the 3 weeks shown to us as a "rough estimate" as, as you have stated, it may be 3 weeks or nearly 4 weeks.

We are in disagreement about a phrase, not about how the engine works.