It's nice to hear feedback about the game, especially positives :-) and especially from people that stuck with us through the beta and beyond. It shows that we are doing some things right.
I've been away for a number of months to do other things and take a bit of a breather, after 8 rather intense months in helping to get the beta up and running. I've been around the game for well over a year now, so I've seen a lot more development in things than a number of people. From the original site to what we have now, through reprogramming everything twice and all the other ups and downs a game like this goes through when it takes its first baby steps into the world.
Having the time out to come back and still see the old names in the game is really nice. It's a small community, but you've all been tenacious in following us and helping out with everything, even if we do try your patience sometimes :-) But we're working on straightening the things out that are still a bit rough at the edges. We need to keep polishing the game, especially where some corners have become a bit dusty and bugs have taken over.
Hattrick has obviously been a great help in a number of decisions in the game, as they've gone through a few design problems that we could avoid. We have the advantage that we can pick and choose what we like and disgard the rest or develop a different solution more suited to basketball. We like the number of stats this game has on offer and we like the tactical choices available. It's a bit more in depth and in your face than hattrick in that we have more games a week and more things to consider - that's a design decision that will be interesting to follow through the development.
Personally, I like the way the league system is built and I would like to develop more features and aspects to build up the rivalry between the two conferences. We have the all-star games already which is a nice step in the right direction. I have some simple ideas about what I would like to implement there, and see how that side of the game develops. Some obvious features are missing like jersey designs for your team as one example. So, we're by no means finished on the basic feature set.
It's nice to see that you're enjoying the ride and I, for one, hope that many people stick around to see what the future brings.
Edited 10/3/2007 5:26:25 AM by BB-Oxidus