When I use my computer the timezone matches BB time.
When I use my phone to access BB then the time on BB is completely different (I assume my phone has a different timezone).
When you look at the clock at the top right hand corner next to the number of users online, that tells you what the current time is.
So if it says 2pm and it is 2pm where you are then the timezones match.
If it says 1pm and it is actually 3pm then the timezones don't match.
If the timezones don't match, all player transfer times etc are changed to the wrong timezone.
So if the timezones do match, and it is 2pm, and a player is listed to finish in 10 minutes then it will finish at 2:10pm.
If the timezone do not match, and it is 2pm in real life but 1pm on BB timezone, and a player is listed to finish in 10 minutes then it will be listed to finish at 1:10pm.
Hope that makes sense.