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training question

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From: iwen

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160108.3 in reply to 160108.1
Date: 10/8/2010 7:24:57 PM
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Shoe lover is wrong.

Roger Summers and Danny Palmer can be twice the player Sénéchal will ever be by the time they hit 22.

You just need to focus your training on those two, even though they're 19.

Start with rotating between OD, JR and One on One for this season, and then swap JR for passing and One on One for JS the season after.

By 22 they'll be your core stars for the future if you get it right.

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160108.4 in reply to 160108.1
Date: 10/8/2010 9:04:30 PM
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I agree with Iwen. Summers and Palmer are very Capable with the rotation he specified- Pressure, then Outside Shooting, then One on One for this season (with FT or Stamina on the ASB and Offseason), and then next season rotate Pressure, Jump Shot, and Passing.

Freddy Diaz is also capable to be trained to be better than Patrice Sénéchal in that same rotation; he's not that capable at the moment, but after getting his outside defense to respectable/strong, he'll be much better. His inside shot and Rebounding, however, make him too weak at the Small Forward Position.

Rotate Diaz, Summers, and Palmer at the Shooting Guard and Point Guard positions and train them in the roatation Iwen mentioned, and they'll be much better than Senechal by the time they reach his age.

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160108.5 in reply to 160108.4
Date: 10/9/2010 11:56:25 AM
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thanks everyone for your help. I will work on Summers, Palmar, and, Diaz and see how it turns out. Thanks for the advice.