Pr has an impact on merchandising and on arena revenue.No doubt about that.The question is:the economic benefit that i have from his efect is really higher than his weekly salaries+his purchase price
My personal opinion is:No,PR doesn't worth the money you have to spend to afford it
Because of the mechanism of arena revenue and his cap,and the merchandising system,you can virtually almost reach the cup without need hiring the PR,because your team simply has a good record,your palace is full or almost full and you can't earn more money
But also if you are in a bad situation in your league,what should be the level,and consequently the salary,of your PR to cancel the effects of your bad record?It should be high,5-6-7.But these kind of Pr has 25-30-35-40k salary/week,to earn how much money?40-50k at the best?So,basically,at the best the balance with the Pr is 0 in expenses/benefits,and during that time you could save that money for your future