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Suggestions > setting lineup with more direct information

setting lineup with more direct information

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163637.3 in reply to 163637.2
Date: 11/10/2010 11:29:45 AM
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The point is to have all such information on one page. Maybe there could be something like this in weekly stats I dont know. If there would be a space for that, you could see not only that he is booked already for a game, but even on which one.

For me, it is pretty much confusing look at it in the current way (several opened pages). Because I have a bad short-memory

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163637.4 in reply to 163637.3
Date: 11/10/2010 11:40:02 AM
BC Hostivař
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It is already on one page. Or is Show/Hide Skills Table only supporter feature?

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163637.5 in reply to 163637.4
Date: 11/10/2010 12:00:16 PM
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Indeed, but still I cannot see that booking in other games Im looking for.

Imagine a situation, you have like 11 strong players, have to play 3 different tactics that week and trying to figure out the most necessary starters for each game. Would be great if you could think about a cup first, then you would see on every other lineup which players are already booked for a cup game.

The point is that this is starting to be really complicated when you have 1 game done and have to compare played minutes with the next game lineup and with cup game (which will be after that) at the same time...

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163637.6 in reply to 163637.5
Date: 11/10/2010 12:14:29 PM
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Or be able to set a lineups for all games directly from one page. This would mean any flash graphic enviroment or something like that, but I can imagine that when I put starter "Avdis" somewhere, he will shine-up in other tactic if he is settlet like that already etc. I think this is the way to go.