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Economy in between seasons

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From: Marot

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164322.3 in reply to 164322.1
Date: 11/19/2010 8:56:32 AM
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Well your problem probably is different.

On Spain, the biggest community is having different economic problems than others doesnt have since we have more competitiveness and we face different situations

For example my economic update and the league update:

Roster: $ 216 391 Arena income: $ 129 228
Staff: $ 47 678 Shop: $ 36 575
Draft: $ 0 TV contract: $ 78 922
Total: $ 264 069 Total: $ 244 725

Incomes: $ -19 344

I'm with +36k

League update:

Rosters: $ 159 027 Arena income: $ 103 375
Staff: $ 56 816 Shop: $ 26 162
Draft: $ 7 656 TV: $ 78 922
Total: $ 223 499 Total: $ 208 459

Incomes: $ -15 040

So from here you can observer 2 important things:

-The expensive teams also have more income since they can afford better players, so they win more games and they dont lose attendence and also can advance more round cups.

- The team that finish 4th or 5 maybe pays less in salaries but normally their team also has less income. So you can see that we are going on a direction were there is more imbalance than balance.

This system favours to get into debt with expensive rosters to try to promote to a higher division with any negative consequence.

I know that if i dont promote this season, maybe i end -150-200k, but just salling again my PF will allow me to buy a new PF, be in positive numers and i will be on cup again.

So actually your only hope to improve is training rookies rather than be a team that makes 10-20k a week

Last edited by Marot at 11/19/2010 8:57:39 AM

From: Eralux

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164322.4 in reply to 164322.2
Date: 11/19/2010 10:46:03 AM
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Well not so easy, I understand that this is a managerial game but the problem is not only with the 5th but also with those who doesnt play the final play off.

11 incomes and 14 cost is good idea anyway. Tks

From: ned

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164322.5 in reply to 164322.1
Date: 11/19/2010 1:08:18 PM
Freccia Azzurra
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Second Team:
Economy in between seasons

And what about the economy in the regular season? :p

1990-2022 Stalinorgel - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pV-Xppl6h8Et
From: Ref

To: ned
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164322.6 in reply to 164322.5
Date: 11/19/2010 1:24:47 PM
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What about the fact that its fine in regular season...also shouldn't this be in suggestion forum?

From: Kukoc

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164322.7 in reply to 164322.1
Date: 11/20/2010 11:19:06 AM
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Both of these issues have been chewed through gazillion times in the forums. Josef basically summed it up for you. Raising the salary of the staff -> constant demand of new staff remains (otherwise people would just buy lvl7 trainer once and have no need to change the trainer ever again).

This Post:
164322.8 in reply to 164322.2
Date: 11/20/2010 12:09:04 PM
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You're not the only who feels this way - in fact, many many forum discussions have focussed on this issue. It is quite simple however: The off-season is a managerial challenge. Depending on the league rank, a team will get a lot of arena income, a little income, or no arena income. As the season evolves, managers have to adapt the financial plans for their team, depending on which rank in the league table they expect. If 5th rank is to be expected - as happened to me last season - a manager needs to make a financial plan for how to survive this. A safe (but not very aggressive) strategy is to make your season budget on the assumption that you have 14 weeks of costs and 11 weeks of income, and calculate how high your weekly profit needs to be so that you can afford this. This is a managerial game, and users compete both on the basketball level and on the financial management of their teams.

In equilibrate leagues,you can't just expect what is the position you are going to finish.When at the all star break there are 3-4-5 team with a similar record,and you can go from a second place to the sixth place in your conference,it's difficult to understand how to adapt to the future situation
To save some money for the various circumstances,as like the off-season weeks without incomes,it's always a good strategy,without becoming a relevant point in the discussion for both the fields

This Post:
164322.9 in reply to 164322.8
Date: 11/20/2010 12:45:10 PM
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Don't start with this again. You are trying to imply that 14 out of 16 teams in every Italian and Spanish league are going bankrupt every season. This is not the case. L2M.

This Post:
164322.10 in reply to 164322.9
Date: 11/20/2010 1:06:32 PM
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Don't start with this again. You are trying to imply that 14 out of 16 teams in every Italian and Spanish league are going bankrupt every season. This is not the case. L2M.

This was the reason I wait before answer this thread
I don't want to start any controversy this time,while you seem you had to do it

From: Marot

This Post:
164322.11 in reply to 164322.7
Date: 11/20/2010 8:56:17 PM
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Do you think the staff systeam reached the equilibrium or so?...

From: Kukoc

This Post:
164322.12 in reply to 164322.11
Date: 11/21/2010 1:10:52 PM
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The staff system is working as intended.