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In the hole. help with finances

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172242.3 in reply to 172242.2
Date: 1/24/2011 6:13:09 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Date Transaction Credit Debit Balance
1/15/2011 Opening Balance $ -112 663
1/15/2011 League Game (Televised) against Springfield Storm $ 108 982 $ -3 681
1/17/2011 Weekly player salaries $ 82 979 $ -86 660
1/17/2011 Weekly staff salaries $ 81 561 $ -168 221
1/17/2011 Weekly scouting costs $ 20 000 $ -188 221
1/17/2011 5% interest on debt $ 184 $ -188 405
1/17/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 20 347 $ -168 058
1/17/2011 Weekly TV contract $ 64 665 $ -103 393
1/20/2011 National Tournament Game against Yakutat Fort $ 50 000 $ -53 393
1/22/2011 League Game against Kansas Jayhawks 718 $ 116 859 $ 63 466
1/24/2011 Weekly player salaries $ 80 324 $ -16 858
1/24/2011 Weekly staff salaries $ 83 226 $ -100 084
1/24/2011 Weekly scouting costs $ 20 000 $ -120 084
1/24/2011 Weekly Merchandise profit $ 20 323 $ -99 761
1/24/2011 Weekly TV contract $ 64 665 $ -35 096
1/24/2011 Total dabulls22 cash reserves: $ -35 096
Available cash after bids: $ -35 096

From: GWgw

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172242.4 in reply to 172242.3
Date: 1/24/2011 6:27:34 PM
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Just like most people with financial problems in this game, your staff salaries are out of control. In DIV your total staff salary should be in the $30-40k range. You are curently paying your staff more than your players. Get rid of your superior level trainer and replace him with advanced level. Go with minimal doctor and PR until you get some money and then don't buy any higher than competent. Also why are you still investing $20k/week in scouting if you are in debt? Set scouting to $0 until you get some positive numbers in your bank account.

From: shoe lover

To: GWgw
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172242.5 in reply to 172242.4
Date: 1/24/2011 6:48:28 PM
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Thaks. As soon as I get enough money, I will get a trainer that is not minimal.(level 4)

From: Arislanx

To: GWgw
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172242.6 in reply to 172242.4
Date: 1/24/2011 6:50:27 PM
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Just to echo that advice:

- Get your staff down to 30K max. Grab a sub 9K Competent level Doctor and PR manager and a sub 13K Advanced Trainer. That will knock 55K off your current massive money flow and won't lose you much in the way of performance. I'd actually go so far as to flat out fire your doctor and PR Manager the day before the next economic update even if you haven't replaced them by then. You'll lose some effectiveness until you pick up new ones but that salary cost is demolishing your economy.

- Set your scouting to 10K a week at least for now. It's the most cost effective Scouting for points/money.

- Set your Luxury seats lower in price. You've sold 4 for the past eternity. Looking at the rest of your league 900-950 looks to be the sweet spot. You'll very likely make more money overall by selling more seats at a lower price. 4x1350 = 5400. Even selling 8 x 900 = 7200.

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172242.8 in reply to 172242.7
Date: 1/25/2011 9:17:26 AM
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Yep. Incase you didnt know, 82k weekly staff salary is retardedly high for you.

To put this into perspective, the average of my Div I league is $ 86 841.

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172242.9 in reply to 172242.8
Date: 1/25/2011 4:24:45 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Thank you. Should I immedietly fire my doctor, and have the lowest level possible?

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172242.11 in reply to 172242.1
Date: 1/25/2011 5:01:40 PM
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And btw, to answer your original question, this is from the game manual:
If you are in debt, you will be charged 5%/week interest until you are back even. If you drop below -$500k, you must get out of debt within two weeks or you will be fired as general manager because the team goes bankrupt.

I believe transfer listing your players only happens at the -$500k level. However, if your balance is still negative by the time the next economy update takes place, expect to pay some more interest. I won't echo what everyone else has said. I think you know how to get yourself above water for now.

Last edited by ShootingStars at 1/25/2011 5:02:02 PM

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172242.13 in reply to 172242.12
Date: 1/30/2011 2:31:17 PM
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I am getting 30k per week since I fired my doctor. I will still be able to support my trainer. I will keep him till a good level 4 trainer or level 6 depending on deals comes up. I am training a player that I am hoping will make USA's NT team, so I will keep the trainer.