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Experience important?

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172497.3 in reply to 172497.1
Date: 1/26/2011 9:17:06 PM
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experience may be the most underrated skills in the game. a high experienced player, from my experience is known to be a "clutch" player, meaning he will perform well at the end of games. Ive had many scenarios where my highest experienced player hit the buzzerbeater for the win, even though he didnt have the best skills.

Edit: i also believe that i high experienced player, even with relitivly weak handelling/passing, will cause less turnovers then mos other players. Keep your player, its good to have some experience on your team.

Last edited by simplycrazy at 1/26/2011 9:18:37 PM

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172497.5 in reply to 172497.4
Date: 1/27/2011 1:51:39 AM
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I think that so far there is only a very basic understanding of how experience is gained. The roughest guide is that players gain experience by playing. After x amount of minutes, their experience increases. Cup games and Playoff games and NT games seem to count for slightly more than scrimmages or league games. Some people believe that minutes played in close games also count for more. There is also a consideration that playing against higher ranked teams gives you more experience. I have never heard about playing in a foreign country giving you more experience.

Last edited by somdetsfinest at 1/27/2011 2:15:25 AM

Once I scored a basket that still makes me laugh.