ok, I'll try to give some answers: NOTE THAT THESE ARE MY ANSWERS and might be wrong!!
Inside scoring:
1)a) In my opinion JS is only used when the player effectively jumps, jumpshots are shown as jumpshots in the gamevieuwer. So I'd so, no, not ALL.
1)a.1) no, it's inside shot.
b) yes, a jumper inside the 3-point arc will use JS, other shots will use inside shot.
b.i) they try to take the best shot possible, so if their JS is high, they most likely take a lot of jumpers, BUT it also depends on defense, if the defense allows lay-ups more easely, he might go for lay-ups more, even though his jumpshot skill is higher.
c) it increases the quality of the scoring-opportunity, so one might say it increases the chance your shot goes in.
i) no. Driving is the skill that lets players create their own shots, so they don't need a good pass before they can get a decent shot up. More driving leads to better quality shots, no matter the type of shot.
ii) not realy
iii) not realy either. if a player with higher driving gets a ball, it is more likey he will manage to get a good quality shot, while one without driving might get forced to either shoot a bad quality shot, or pass the ball to an other player.
2) inside shot in my opinion.
Inside Defense:
3) don't know, but possibly yes.
Outside Defense:
4) don't know.
Offensive Flow:
5) yes
6) maybe, but not as much as handling and passing.
7) only improves ability to create his own shot.
8) I think that there is no such ability of getting in free position or rolling off screens and such so far. I think that such things are determined by the passing skills of the player who gives the assist.
9) I don't think it is linked, so yes every skill can be used separatly.
10) Don't think so.
Shot Blocking
14) I think it takes a BB to answer this, and I don't think they will.
a) possibly yes, but dunno
b) same as a
c) most possibly either a or b, I think a combination would be more difficult to program and would not be more usefull.
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