I have a bot too and are very happy to bank an easy $50,000, I need it as my salaries have gone way up this season which is really bad because I don't thunk I am ready to go for promotion but at this rate I will have to. I may even have to replace my level 6 trainer he is too expensive now :(
I was hoping for a good draft pick but got all rubbish and all sacked.
Well done to ezlife and the Dean for their great U21 players, I had hoped Elliot would make it as a defensive SF but it was not enough. Still he is good for me. :)
I think Awesome and Lazio@ look very strong with all of their $50,000 and $60,000 players. Could be a great SF.
I wouldn't want to be Keyser Sose X, how are they going to avoid relegation? There may be a battle for 8th this season and Maggots and Panthers may have to dip into their millions. :P
Last edited by Hawkman at 7/31/2011 8:46:21 PM