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From: Dodor

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198060.3 in reply to 198060.1
Date: 10/9/2011 4:19:15 AM
Dodor Utd
A Grupa
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Dodor Inc
Agree, if he can beat you with FCP, he can beat you with almost any other defense. FCP will force more turnovers on your side, but that comes at the expense of defense, offense and rebounding ratings.

So basically, a team playing FCP will have more possession, but its general performance will be worse. If you have decent handling and passing, you should have no problem.

Last edited by Dodor at 10/9/2011 4:19:58 AM

From: strilfe

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198060.5 in reply to 198060.1
Date: 10/9/2011 10:57:34 AM
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PLay at pg the better handlers you've got and run a fast pace offense: rng or push the ball.

From: ibarix

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198060.6 in reply to 198060.1
Date: 10/9/2011 11:32:15 AM
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My team can run basically every single offence. Every one of my starters can pass and score but I have pretty bad stamina, about inept-mediocre. I will likely play against a team that will run FCP in the Finals so I was wondering what could I do to counter that? That team is quite successful with FCP too, getting around 25-30 steals per game. Thanks for your help!

Assuming your opponent will play FCP...
FCP drains stamina so you'll be balanced in that section. At least. Also, FCP decreases inside def and rebounding. Considering that you have really great centers, I would attack him under the rim with look inside for example. He has some nice centers too but also some nice outside players. So considering his ratings I think he's experimenting. :) Start the game with outside players with higher handling and passing. 3-2 zone for example...

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From: strilfe

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198060.8 in reply to 198060.6
Date: 10/9/2011 5:08:15 PM
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When I promoted, I beat a team on the finals that played FCP:
I won playing with the tactics that ibarix is telling you!

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198060.9 in reply to 198060.5
Date: 10/12/2011 7:28:42 AM
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PLay at pg the better handlers you've got and run a fast pace offense: rng or push the ball.

but wont a fast paced offense give him some nice and juicy balls to steal??
I think that a slow paced offense is a better option against a team using FCP coz the players will be careful while passing the ball and hence the opponent will get less chances of stealing the ball....

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198060.10 in reply to 198060.9
Date: 10/12/2011 9:15:13 AM
Aussie Pride
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There was a thread a while back that heavily debated whether it was better to use fast or slow tactics against FCP. Don't think there was a consensus reached.

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198060.11 in reply to 198060.10
Date: 10/12/2011 9:22:41 AM
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FCP is the best tactic against bot, I used it and got a great margin.
I believe that there's an ungoing and never ending debate about pace...

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198060.13 in reply to 198060.9
Date: 10/12/2011 9:32:44 AM
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Slow paced offenses need better handling. For countering FCP, you also need good handling. So if your handling is really great, I guess slow offense is good against FCP. But if your handling is average or worse, I think slow paced offenses will just give more opportunity to your opponent to steal the ball.
