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Suggestions > Targeting minutes per player

Targeting minutes per player

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198864.3 in reply to 198864.2
Date: 10/18/2011 12:40:02 PM
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---> "strictly follow depth chart"

Except that is still strongly stamina based -- if you have two roughly equivalent players, and the starter has very high stamina, he can play in the mid-40s in minutes, while if very low it can be in the low 30s.

I think a better option would be, for each position, to have an option for how you want substitution handled:
-> Keep Them in!
-> Rotate them!
-> Play to win!

So if you're trying to get near or to 48 minutes, you'd use the first; if you have roughly equal players you could use the second and get balanced minutes, and the third would let the coach pick whichever player is best at a given time.

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198864.4 in reply to 198864.3
Date: 10/18/2011 3:47:30 PM
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I brang a suggestion that gives a little more.

1) For each player define max and min time to be played.
2) Define which is more important.

The engine will first try to win, as being done now.
Then, it will substitute in order to accomplish all limitations. This may mean that some times the second backup will get more than the first backup and even more than the starter.

Wouldn't it be simple enough and more precise?
What do you think?

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198864.5 in reply to 198864.4
Date: 10/18/2011 3:51:09 PM
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Minute management is one of the fundamental challenges of this game. Big nono.
It would help if you would read other threads in suggestion forum aswell. Plenty of similar suggestions here...

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198864.6 in reply to 198864.4
Date: 10/18/2011 3:57:29 PM
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Its a good suggestion that has been made before, but unfortunately it seems unlikely to change. Though it makes zero sense, managing minutes to provide optimal training to your players is, as mentioned, a 'key challenge'.

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198864.7 in reply to 198864.6
Date: 10/18/2011 4:06:02 PM
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Yes, players timing is a key "thing" in this game.
It is also the same in a real baketball league.

But, like in real world, the coach can deside what wo do upon better definitions.

Currently the coach in this game is totaly ignorant to the teams goals regarding the timing of players minutes.

There needs to be balance between full control to no control at all.
In a scenario where you have a starter, that had not played a lot this week, and a backup that did played a lot this week, and you are going into forth Q that is a garbage time, a coach doesn't need to be that smart to understand that although this is garbage time the starter should keep playing and not the backup.

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198864.9 in reply to 198864.7
Date: 10/18/2011 6:20:20 PM
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Simply not going to happen.

Minute management is what differentiates the good managers from the bad. Taking this away would make the game far too easy for everyone to manage GS and training.

For the purposes of game design, I can see why the BBs don't implement this.

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198864.10 in reply to 198864.9
Date: 10/19/2011 1:58:22 AM
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Good or bad manager does't take part in a game desicion of the coach to sit the starter and let the backup play more than the starter due to a very long garbage time.

An alternative solution may be just give the user an option to define how he prefers to play during garbage time.

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198864.12 in reply to 198864.11
Date: 10/19/2011 3:50:12 AM
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Again, the claim you've made can be given to any inforamtion you get in this game.

Why can you access the box-score of other teams (for example)?
You can argue that this can gives to much information and makes the game easier.

In the end it is all about balance.

Getting a little more information but for some cost may lead to a more chalenging game.
Because money control and desicion upon it is a very important asspect of this game, I believe it will add to the game and not the other way around.

Well, at least this is my POV.
