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help on arena prices

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From: kpd

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203180.3 in reply to 203180.1
Date: 11/23/2011 4:22:15 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
I would keep Bleachers at 10 as long as u stay in the top 4
Lower tier 45
Courtside 135
seems debaters is a good team to look at for prices hes selling out with almost the same prices as u n is 5-1

This Post:
203180.4 in reply to 203180.1
Date: 11/23/2011 7:47:40 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
THe best adivse I can give you is to check other arenas from yur league, with similar record and compare.
Rise the tickets of the seats you sell out, lower the prices of the seats that you have very low attendance.