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Help in training

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From: Omri

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216000.3 in reply to 216000.2
Date: 5/10/2012 11:01:21 AM
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You got me wrong, what i meant is if i train 2 position and after a week swich to one postion but on the same attribute, will it keep the process or it will re-start?

Thanks and sorry for my English :)

From: CrazyEye

To: Omri
This Post:
216000.4 in reply to 216000.3
Date: 5/10/2012 11:18:41 AM
Overall Posts Rated:
even when you don't see ups on your player he got better, so the progress is always saved and has already an effect on the game.

From: Omri

This Post:
216000.5 in reply to 216000.4
Date: 5/10/2012 1:57:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
ah i didn't knew that. thank you!