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V.65 legends

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240144.3 in reply to 240144.2
Date: 4/18/2013 6:19:17 PM
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Hopefully I can make an impact on the league next season...not looking like I'm going anywhere

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240144.4 in reply to 240144.3
Date: 5/8/2013 10:26:37 AM
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I am Bob Christopher, manager of the Peachtree City Shooting Stars. This is my first season and I feel like you Jeremy. As much as I have tried to improve, it seems like the other teams are still a step ahead. I hope I can make the playoffs even if I lose in the first round.

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240144.5 in reply to 240144.4
Date: 5/8/2013 10:44:49 AM
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I can't believe your selling Semen. You'll never be a legend without semen!

From: Mix
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240144.6 in reply to 240144.5
Date: 5/8/2013 10:51:52 AM
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@WFU - Bufu 2.0 is definitely making some unique moves. At least he's got some O this time around. Now that LSD is relegating maybe they can both meet up in D4 and be continue the "true rivalry".

@Bob - It takes a while to get your bearings. Speaking personally, I found my team improved when I focused in on certain key areas. A sustainable roster and increasing arena while playing moneyball (picking up bargain vets) has worked out for me in the short term. WFU trains and has also had success. He actually made it to D3 before I did. He also leads in our club series 5-3 but the time is growing ever so near that I put his face in the sand! :P

We all started in the mighty V65 so you're already off to a great start.

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240144.7 in reply to 240144.5
Date: 5/12/2013 12:35:11 AM
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You are right. It was not only his name.

Semen Panikarov (27228566) (Enter this # in the search player ID to see his picture)

His cone head shape fit his name. The last twist was his new owners name:

Owner: Puszyki


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240144.8 in reply to 240144.7
Date: 11/16/2019 6:21:20 PM
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All you bots are dead....

"...[static]....[transmission begin]...If you can read are #TheResistance!...Join the BB-Underground today[transmission end]....."