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Cymru - I.1 > NT and U21 Players

NT and U21 Players

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From: voc.bro

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247425.3 in reply to 247425.1
Date: 9/24/2013 12:51:01 PM
ATV Ditmarsia Kiel
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Second Team:
ATV Arminia Tübingen
Ok Guys, the u21 and the national team need more talented players from the draft. To get those new young players we also need them to be trained. If you invest 10k weekly for draft points you have a great chance to get a talented player from the draft. Though those players with 18years old and a 7+ potential you normally get 200k and above which makes the draft a good investment. Secondly we have the chance that those sold players will be trained and that their skills will be raised to a nt-competive level. So as your national coach I beg you to train or sell your young players. The positive effect in training young players is that you'll have a higher income in advertising and your fans will also support this (see game manua (

Please help this country to grow, to compete and to be proud!

There's winning and there's losing - and in life both will happen. What is never acceptable to me is quitting. -Magic Johnson-
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247425.4 in reply to 247425.3
Date: 11/27/2014 3:32:02 AM
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Hi Guys,

Long time no see, I was the previous manager of The Sewer Squatters but BB has put me in an English league this time round for some reason. I am interested in training some U21 players with decent (Perennial allstar +) potenial. If you have such a trainee or draft such a player please do not hesitate to contact me. I'm looking forward to doing my part for the future of the Welsh NT.

Cheers all.

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247425.5 in reply to 247425.1
Date: 4/15/2015 5:29:57 AM
The Persian Gulf
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Hi all

I want to register your national coach

can you vote me?