They are your bench. Which is my point all along that they are only good for back ups in higher leagues.
I suppose they need to rerun last season's playoffs then. In my two legitimate wins (i.e., pre-finals), I started my star potential draftee from season 16 in both games. Also had a star potential big man play more than 24 minutes in both wins, as well. The same two star potential players started and played 35 and 34 minutes last night and scored double digits in a road win against another playoff team.
Now, of course, the big man is mostly a backup at this point, since I've trained three other bigs who are ahead of him, but he generally starts when I run inside offenses. The guard starts more often when I run inside offenses and ideally would be a backup, but I'm not at all distressed when I need to start him. The other star guard I have is more a pure backup, though, and would ideally be the 7th man in the 1,2,3 spots.
So, yes, the theory is star potential players are useless in higher divisions - maybe scrubs on the bench at best. Shame I missed class the day that lesson was taught. ;)