Well, to be honest, this was part suggestion, part attempt to spark a discussion. Glad to see it worked, and thanks for the feedback!
Some thoughts on some points brought up:
* "An employer can't tell someone when to retire; they can only tell them when they can no longer work for them." - That is true, though BB actually lets us cut and dye our rookies' hair and shave their beards and SWAP OUT THEIR EYEBALLS JESUS CHRIST HOW HORRIBLE that I believe a retirement option wouldn't be that questionable ethically.
* Age requirement: my "33+?" was something like the very lowest age I could imagine for a retirement. If it were me, 36 or 37 and at least 5 seasons with the team would be a much better starting point, but I didn't want to force my age restriction on the discussion so I opted for setting the bar low.
* Firing versus retirement: I know I could technically imagine a nice retirement party in my head before I kick my player out, but it just isn't the same. And we do have a Hall of Fame which we don't have to imagine in our heads either, for an instance; celebrating someone's retirement and accepting someone in your Hall of Fame isn't the same, but it caters to the same sentiments at least.
Again, thanks for the discussion!
As an addendum:
I stopped playing Hattrick years ago, but I still fondly remember - though I actually just recalled it right now, two days after my original post - the retirement option there. The players even had various jobs to choose from after their retirement - youth coach, job in the front office, restaurant owner, whatever. It was another nice little touch.
Last edited by Don Rosa at 4/10/2014 5:58:00 PM