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BB Utopia > How will be filled IV league next season?

How will be filled IV league next season?

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From: Codemasters

To: AZ
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259253.3 in reply to 259253.2
Date: 6/2/2014 11:33:12 AM
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I'm also curious. I'm hoping they'd be distributed in a fair manner. So each league would remain with about the same overall payroll.

Low payroll tells only that team has huge amount of money in bank or large arena.
I think distributing those teams above IV.64 could be just random. There is already so much variations in current leagues that trying to balance does not guarantee anything.

From: AZ

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259253.4 in reply to 259253.3
Date: 6/2/2014 12:22:04 PM
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True, everything's a bit more up in the air. I just worry about a league (or conference) accidentally turning into a super competitive hell on earth while a different league is a cakewalk.

Not sure the best way to do it, maybe somehow adding up total assets?

From: BreakerJ

To: AZ
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259253.5 in reply to 259253.4
Date: 6/2/2014 6:20:46 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
I would like to think that most of the teams in my league that I have played against all year would remain the same. In saying that I would also hope for 16 active managers so some leagues would have to be split up... Not sure of best solution maybe disband lowest leagues until all top leagues are full of active managers?

Last edited by BreakerJ at 6/2/2014 6:30:13 PM