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Bugs, bugs, bugs > Strictly Follow Depth Chart and Injury

Strictly Follow Depth Chart and Injury

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From: aamcguy

To: Foto
This Post:
280327.3 in reply to 280327.2
Date: 6/24/2016 5:35:04 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Ahh I suppose I considered the coach's logic was a little bit more complex. I suppose, though not helpful for me in this situation it should simplify future decisions when I'm choosing players in certain positions.

I haven't tried to get 48 minutes for 1 player at 1 position with 10 players in my lineup since I started playing a long time ago. Good to know though.

From: Foto

This Post:
280327.4 in reply to 280327.3
Date: 6/24/2016 6:05:41 PM
Overall Posts Rated:
Second Team:
I haven't tried to get 48 minutes for 1 player at 1 position with 10 players in my lineup since I started playing a long time ago. Good to know though.

There is a way. Just put him as a bench and reserve player in the same position and leave the starter empty.