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Better Draft Prospect?

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From: NJ

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292634.3 in reply to 292634.1
Date: 2/27/2018 9:56:34 PM
SK Wolves
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Last draft I got my second preference for my first round pick. 5 star/5 potential, A+ grade, C 19 yo, 7'2. He was only a 43 tsp with MVP potential. Average primary skills but his secondaries were terrible and not worth trying to train.

I would still lean Player 1 in your case as I'm hoping I just had bad luck.

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292634.4 in reply to 292634.1
Date: 2/28/2018 4:25:18 AM
Spartan 300
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Second Team:
Spartan Kids
I would choose player 1 too.

This is where we hold them!
From: khenry

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292634.5 in reply to 292634.1
Date: 2/28/2018 6:22:17 AM
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IMO it depends more on what you're training/what you want to train. If bigs, then check their Inside Defense, if guards then their Outside Defense.

If you're looking to sell and not train, take a chance on Player 1.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (https://discord.gg/cKpNkt2).
From: khenry

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292634.6 in reply to 292634.1
Date: 2/28/2018 6:24:22 AM
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And now that I've looked at your team, you have a bazillion bigs trainees.

I once had a team with 1757 players and was $25,835,360 in debt. This is not that team. Join the Discord group open to anyone, but especially for USA managers to improve your club or get involved with the U21 and NT programs (https://discord.gg/cKpNkt2).
From: HAHA

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292634.9 in reply to 292634.8
Date: 2/28/2018 10:58:44 AM
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I would check the box score, if 7'2 guy had 2 steals or more, then he should not have terrible OD. If 7'2 guy didn't turn the ball over twice or less, then his handling skill won't be that bad.

that's my draft experience, I always check how many steals to justify their OD.

This Post:
292634.10 in reply to 292634.1
Date: 2/28/2018 12:43:46 PM
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Please, send theys stats on showroom.

From: NJ

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292634.11 in reply to 292634.8
Date: 2/28/2018 11:31:27 PM
SK Wolves
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I understand that the taller the draftee the worse his outside skills would be. It was just disappointing to have a 5 star/5 potential, A+ grade only with 43 tsp. His primaries i think were 6 IS 7 ID 8 REB and 3 SB. His handling was an 8 which was nice for a center but everything else including freethrow and stamina was a 1.

Just expected a little more balance or at least 50 tsp for someone with an A+ grade I guess.

From: Bergkamp

This Post:
292634.12 in reply to 292634.5
Date: 3/2/2018 10:44:26 AM
Arsenal 98
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Second Team:
Stamford Snow Leopards
"IMO it depends more on what you're training/what you want to train. If bigs, then check their Inside Defense, if guards then their Outside Defense."

I dislike this thinking - if I'm training bigs I want them to start with good outside skills so would check the OD on the big guy and vice-versa.
If he ended up with 3 in his "primary" defensive skill I might then end up selling depending on his total tsp, but I'd prefer to take that risk over the 3 or less in the secondary defence...
